PARTNER: Randstad

No one gets lost in the labour market

Randstad once originated as a company with a great eye for social added value. For example, they made an enormous contribution to women's emancipation in the 1960s and, in a time of labour shortage, they looked for untapped potential in the labour market - especially among women who until then were fired as soon as they got married. In a rapidly changing labour market, how can Randstad reposition itself as guardian of the labour market?

Pijltje naar beneden


Develop a vision for the future and build as strategy that ensures that Randstad remains relevant and of added value to people's working lives for a long time.


User Research, Customer Journeys, Innovation Strategy


The insight

People with a (temporary) distance from the labour market - people with disabilities, people with an education that no longer matches the current job offer, newcomers, or people who lose their jobs due to developments in the labour market - have great potential. Partly due to the long-term relationships with major players in the labor market and data, Randstand can see where shifts will take place at an early stage and actively anticipate them, by approaching people with retraining or refresher courses and matching them to new work.

Our solution

A vision and strategy that helps Randstad to reclaim its relevance and social position. A vision that helps them anticipate upcoming untapped potential in the labour market. With the focus on people with a distance or a vulnerable position from the labour market, Randstad can help these people to (re)connect to the work field as quickly as possible. We have enabled them to use the data and knowledge they already have access to, in a different way than what has been thought about. This also revised the role that Randstad should play in people's lives.




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