PARTNER: Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Launch into adulthood with financial superpowers

Money problems among young people often arise during their first steps towards independence. What do they need to stay in control of their finances?

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Housing associations in the Netherlands regularly see that young people, who are allocated their first home, quickly run into financial problems. From that moment on, they are on thin ice, as debts often multiply like a snowball.


Full Service Intervention, Design, User Research, Pilot


The insight

When young people start living alone for the first time, they often have no experience with how to deal with large sums of money. At the beginning of the month, they are in a vulnerable financial position and cannot afford to pay for the rest of the month. Research shows that a second debit account is scientifically proven to be one of the most effective tools for learning how to budget properly.

Our solution

A tool to provide insight into the amount of your monthly housing costs and makes opening a second debit account a breeze, with a gift certificate as a reward.

THE OUTCOME makes opening a second debit account super easy and attractive. Using data from Nibud, it is a smart tool that quickly calculates your monthly housing costs. Even that one annoying bill that only falls on your doormat once in a few years is included. You will then effortlessly open that second account and you will be helped to set up all collections correctly. An appointment with a financial advisor helps you apply the finishing touches. You have now earned a €50 gift card to decorate your home.


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