The "Netwerkintake", a holistic approach to the psyche

An intake interview with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or general practitioner is an important moment for patients. Is my story coming across well? Should I undergo treatment or take medication? The Netwerk Intake is a method that helps healthcare professionals, together with the patient, gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of their story. Through open conversation, not only the complaints but also the strengths are (visually) mapped out. This creates a complete narrative, with shared understanding and opportunities for the patient to work towards recovery.

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A mock-up of the Netwerk Intake on a laptop


Traditionally, a healthcare provider asks a patient about the complaints, uses them as a basis to make a diagnosis and selects an appropriate treatment. But a patient is more than their complaints. The "Netwerkintake" offers a more holistic approach that focuses on the patient's strengths. But how do we ensure that healthcare professionals from different domains learn about the powerful elements of the "Netwerk Intake" so that they can apply them within their practice?


User Research, UX, UI
A mock-up of the Netwerk Intake on a laptop


The insight

The Department of Psychiatry at the UMC Utrecht, under the leadership of dr. prof. Floortje Scheepers, developed the Network Intake as a way to achieve a new recovery-oriented problem analysis. For patients, the intake appears to be a moment where everything falls into place, and they gain visual insight and understanding into their story. What are the inhibiting factors? But also, what and who are the supportive ones? By making this method scalable and enabling practitioners to confidently apply the Network Intake in their practice, we can assist a large group of patients in gaining more control and playing a greater role in their path to recovery.

Our solution

An e-learning program that enables healthcare providers to implement the "Netwerkintake" on a large scale. Through assignments, videos, personal stories and in-depth theory, healthcare professionals become skilled at visually structuring the patient's story. Transparency, visualization, positivity and validation are the key frameworks that guide the conversation towards a personalized path of recovery.


the "Netwerkintake"

The basis of the "Netwerkintake" is to visually represent the patient's story. Who and what influences their life? How are they connected, and do they have a helpful or hindering effect? This network is visually depicted through a drawing, similar to a mind map. During the e-learning process, healthcare professionals learn how to utilize this method through 4 modules and a concluding assessment. In addition to creating the "Netwerkintake" drawing, they learn about all the powerful elements of the "Netwerk Intake". Through animations, theory and fictional cases, the healthcare professional learns to apply the "Netwerkintake" in various situations and issues. It provides both the practitioner and the patient with guidance and offers actionable perspectives on the path to recovery. For more information, visit:

A mock-up of the "Netwerkintake" on an iPad


Portretfoto van Floortje Scheepers

Hoogleraar innovatie UMC Utrecht

Prof. dr. Floortje Scheepers

Voor de ontwikkeling van de e-learning van de netwerkintake heeft de afdeling psychiatrie van het UMC Utrecht samengewerkt met INK. Dat was een feest want niet alleen waren de sessies die we met ze deden om echt tot de kern door te dringen en aan te sluiten bij de behoefte creatief, energiek en inzicht gevend, ook de uitwerking, samenwerking en resultaten waren helemaal in lijn met onze wensen en hoopvolle verwachtingen. INK heeft geen opdracht voor ons gedaan maar heeft met ons in co-creatie gewerkt aan een product dat onze missie en visie ademt. We zijn er ongelofelijk blij mee.

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